I had a great time at SURVISHNO, the Surveillance, Vibration, Shocks and Noise Conference. This was a wonderfully informative event and I had the honor of being a keynote speaker and delivering a paper on improved gear fault detection.
Overall, I was impressed at amount of European investment in the field of machine condition monitoring. You can get a sense of the program and contributors through the scientific program: https://survishno.sciencesconf.org/program/details
I met up with Dany Abboud, a very talented researcher at Safran. I’ve had a number of discussions with him on vibration diagnostics
In 2009, I developed a dataset for the test and development of condition analysis algorithms for the PHM Society. This data set became the challenge problem. I was surprised to see that it is still being used for research by my new friends Sylvain Barcet and Alexandre Carbonelli, of VibraTEC.
One of my long time, online friends who I met in person for the first time is Rusmir Barjric, one of the very best in condition monitoring, now at E.ON in the UK.
Also meeting for the first time in person was Valerio Camerini, of Airbus. Valerio is the H-175 lead HUMS analysis for the H-175 – a super knowledgeable guy!.
Here is me with the King of Vibration, Bob Randall. Bob invented modern bearing analysis while a researcher at Bruel and Kjaer. I first met Bob in 2010, where I had him autograph his book on vibration for me – Bob is a font of knowledge and wonderful to talk to.
One of my best friend, and a truly talented researcher is my friend Jacob Bortman. Jacob is the head of the PHM Lab at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Many thanks to INSA (National Institute of Applied Sciences) for the superb venue.