Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on our latest announcements and get notified of the latest tips and insight to allow you to make the most out of having an advanced, predictive monitoring system like Foresight MX.
Our social media updates include a regular cadence of industry news, customer wins, STC announcements, as well as insight from our engineers and customer success team. Right now, we are focused on LinkedIn and Twitter, but we do have a Facebook page and there are already a couple of insightful videos on YouTube.
We are in the process of adding new video content to our YouTube channel. This channel will become a resource for you and your team to learn how to use Foresight MX to improve your maintenance operations, save time and money, and futureproof your fleet. So subscribe today and ensure you have notifications activated so you don’t miss out!
Most of our social media updates and extra content will also be recapped in our newsletters, so you’ll never miss out on the amazing things happening at GPMS.
If you have some time, we would love to hear how you use social media for your business and what types of content are best for you. Please fill out the form below and send us a message to let us know.